An exceptional programme

Don’t miss this international event, with conferences (in French 🇫🇷 & in English 🇬🇧), workshops and,
of course, plenty of time for socialising and relaxing

Thursday 29 May


8.30 am | Opening

8.50 am | Introduction by Philippe Veran
Biotech Dental Group President

Conferences in FR 🇫🇷 & EN 🇬🇧

9 am – 11 am

1. Implants & peri-implant tissues

Emergence profile management: materials and techniques, from temporary to final prosthesis
Dr. Pierre Colomé

Implant placement in augmented extraction sockets: surgical procedures
Prof. Antonio Barone

Prosthetically or biologically guided implant placement:
friends or enemies?
Dr. Guerino Paolantoni

11 am – 11.30 am | Coffee break

11.30 am – 1.30 pm

2. Immediate implant placement

Sealing Socket Abutment concept (SSA): what we know from 10 years of clinical and technological evolution
Dr. Gary Finelle

How to be predictable with immediate implant placement in compromised sockets
Dr. Gonçalo Assis

Bone defects management in aesthetic zone: the SOCKET SHIELD technique – “PRESERVING NATURE”
Dr. Aniello D’Ambrosio

A new vision in immediate implantology: HORIZONTAL SHIELD
Technique, between challenges & promises
Dr. Mohamad El Moheb

1.30 pm – 2.40 pm | Lunch


2.45 pm – 4.30 pm

3. Biology & implantology

Etiology, prevention and treatment of mucosal recessions at dental implants
Prof. Anton Sculean

Influence of implant design, photobiomodulation and the use of a biomaterial on implant osseointegration:
Prospective study with ISQ measurement of 700 clinical cases
Dr. Frédéric Gely-Huc

Osseointegration of subperiosteal implants: a game changer?
Dr. Laurine Birault & Dr. Antoine Diss

4.30 pm – 5 pm | Coffee break

5 pm – 6.45 pm

4. The aesthetic zone

In pursuit of aesthetic: management of complex implant and prosthetic cases
Dr. Helder Moura

Digital technology for aesthetics
Dr. Anthony Atlan

Management of complications in the aesthetic zone
Dr. Joel Bastos

Friday 30 May


9 am – 11 am

5. Digital solutions

Guided Surgery: A simplification tool or just a passing trend?
Dr. Othman Mikou

Digital innovation in implant and pre-implant surgery
Dr. Pierre Keller

Simplifying immediate implant placement procedure:
the All-in concept
Dr. Lon McRae

11 am – 11.30 am | Coffee break

11.30 am – 1.15 pm

6. Full Arch implant rehabilitation

Full Arch immediate loading: from analog to Full Digital approach
Dr. Christian Monti

Clinical Applications of extra-long Dental Implants in severely resorbed maxilla
Dr. Dau Cao Luong

Think Different: Revolutionizing zygomatic treatment
Dr. Sepehr Zarrine

1.30 pm – 2.40 pm | Lunch


Workshops – implantology

Bone revolution
Dr. Pierre Keller

Monobloc concept
Dr. Hadi Antoun

SSA concept
Dr. Gary Finelle

Workshops – assistant(s)

Mrs. Marie-Pierre Ventribout

Free for all assistants

Saturday 31 May


9.15 am – 11.20 am

7. Management of soft & hard tissue defects

Spider revolution
Dr. Jérôme Surmenian

Sinus lift: what if perforation was no longer a complication?
Dr. Thomas Gemmi & Dr. Estelle Guillou

Preserving, recovering and shaping bone and soft tissue
in implantology
Dr. Hadi Antoun & Dr. Franck Bonnet

11.20 am – 11.35 am | Coffee break

11.45 am – 1.30 pm

8. Innovation & holistic dentistry

Accelerate your dental practice: the future of Photobiomodulation
with ATP38®
Dr. Miguel Stanley

Humane Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms to improve performance and well-being
Prof. Olivier Oullier

7 steps from conventional towards ideal dentistry
Dr. Christian Coachman

Friday 30 May


1 pm – 2.30 pm | Lunch

Conferences in FR 🇫🇷 & EN 🇬🇧

2.30 pm – 4.15 pm

Neuromuscular orthodontics: Aligners, occlusal deprogramming wedges and ‘Carriere Motion’: the perfect alliance for occlusion
plane control
Dr. Romain de Papé

New vision in occlusion & orthodontics: aligners shaping the future
Prof. Heloísa Filipe Alves

How can biomechanic concepts take your aligners treatment to the
next level?
Dr. Bruno Gomes Almeida

4.15 pm – 4.45 pm | Coffee break

4.45 pm – 6.30 pm

How to simplify our orthodontic treatments through an easy protocol, strategy and innovation
Dr. Luis Carriere

Benefits of 4D digital workflow in complex myofunctional treatments
Dr. Arash Zarrinpour

Saturday 31 May


Workshops orthodontics 

9 am – 10.45 am

Neuromuscular concept: discussions & visions
Dr. Romain de Papé 

11 am – 1 pm

The Carrière Motion concept:
discussions based on clinical cases
Dr. Luis Carrière
Dr. Ana-María Cantor

11 am – 1 pm

FroggyMouth: establishing functional balance in daily practice for patients of all ages
Dr. Patrick Fellus
(🇫🇷 / 🇬🇧)

Prestigious speakers

Why join in?

Conferences, workshops, relaxing time, …
The entire programme has been designed to provide you with a unique event, marked by lectures from world-renowned practitioners.

The International Biotech Days is a major event for the dentistry world, and is already a must-attend in a heavenly environment to be discovered without moderation.


For more information, please contact Mrs. Jeanne Bonifay

+33 (0)4 86 64 12 92